Hello readers,
Today, I will be writing about the changes that have come from the specialisation changes and how they have effected the game.
Dungeons / World Bosses / General PvE / Fractals of the Mists (FOTM)
Dungeons - as we all know; playing a condition role in dungeons was absolutely useless before this patch and some people may still view them as such. I personally think that it depends entirely on the dungeon that you are doing and also what class they are bringing to that dungeon. For example; I know my Necromancer is no good in AC path 1 & 3 simply because I have no structural damage, so I can't really hurt the graveling burrows too much but everything else is pretty much a melt now.
World Bosses - I've been reading the forums quite extensively and also the Facebook groups, it seems that these events are actually a little bit too easy with the new condition stack changes that have been implemented in the 22nd of June patch. I know for a fact that a few I have done haven't really lasted that long and were very quickly over. Some people are calling for the bosses to be made stronger, which I agree with; they are supposed to be world bosses for a reason.
General PvE (Exploration, casual events and more) - I think the condition changes haven't really changed much in solo play and exploration due to the simple fact that conditions are quite hard to pull off as a low level; you need a significant amount of time just to kill one monster - it's ultimately easier just to go for a standard power piece of armor for leveling and doing events.
Fractal of the Mists - playing a condition build in FOTM is absolutely beautiful; I am immortal and can bleed/burn/torment/poison for over 10k per second, whilst this isn't 'totally amazing' in terms of burst damage, you have consider that Necromancers now have automatic leeching and the damage of their weapons. So it could easily amount to over 11k-12k per second of DoT damage. Absolutely no complaints from me on this side of the update.
Overall, I don't play condition builds with other classes so I won't pass comments about them; I have heard that burning from Engineer is quite something in all aspects of the game.
Player vs Player
Firstly, I've been reading on the forums and on the FB groups that PvP right now has pretty much become Condition Wars 2 people seem to be running only condition builds and can melt someone's health in literally just a few seconds. Due to these complaints, ArenaNet has said that a list of things need to be balanced and changed but these changes would not all happen at the same time; probably to prevent the masses complaining yet again at the changes they are making.
My only thoughts on this, as I am not an avid PvP player is that I hope these 'upcoming changes' that they are making, will stick entirely to just PvP builds rather than a universal change. I think I would be slightly annoyed if conditions are nerfed to a point where no one wants to play them again in any content of the game.
World vs World
I have been taking the time to ask around about what people think of WvW post-patch; it seems there is a consensus that WvW is now quite difficult for most classes. With the removal of condition stack cap, it seems it has made other classes quite redundant because they either die to quickly or simply because they cannot match the power of 300 stacks of bleeding / poison or burning.
It seems ArenaNet has a long few weeks ahead to try and satisfy all aspects of the game; to make sure that PvP is balanced along with WvW but also making sure that PvE is still fair and viable to use a condition build.
Overview / what's new
So we've talked enough about the ups and downs of the changes, now let's show you what has actually changed and how new and shiny everything looks now. Below is an example image of the Elementalists new specialisation tree:
I think the simplified changes are quite good, but I know some people aren't happy because they are being forced to pick from traits that were previously selected in different lines. Also, looking at this image you can see that there are two other traits lines to pick from. In the Heart of Thorns expansion, we will be getting a new specialisation for each class which features a new weapon and system to unlock them.
Another change that you may have noticed if you played Guild Wars 2 is that trait lines no longer have their matching attributes. This is because the new update removed all trait attributes and added them to armors. How they did this was simply increasing overall stat gain by 30% on weapons & armors.
Ultimately, I think the changes were made to make people's builds more diverse, valid and competent. People that have previously played other MMOs such as World of Warcraft have seen similar changes to builds; making them for simplified because new players may not quite understand how it all works - let's hope it remains like this.
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