Guild Wars 2 and the hype of the new expansion...

Hello readers,

As we all know from my previous blog post about Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion Heart of Thorns, it seems that a lot of the hype has been killed off by the lackluster preview of the new specialisation for the Guardian called "Dragonhunter" which features their new weapon being the longbow. 

Firstly, before we go into detail about this new specialisation let's take a look at some of the previous posts:

The first specialisation to be publicly shown was the Mesmer's 'Chronomancer', featuring the shield. Twitter and Facebook blew up - my wall and feed was filled with people sharing links, posting the video of the trailer for it, it made the hype for the new expansion almost surreal. Chronomancer was supposed to be a new class featured in Guild Wars 1: Utopia, but that expansion was scrapped to start developing Guild Wars 2. It was absolutely amazing.

Click here for the Chronomancer details.

Guild Wars 2's development team, ArenaNet also blew up the internet with another story. A hacker was consistently giving people in WvWvW a tough time; he was teleport hacking, no clipping through walls that had to be destroyed to gain access to the structure. After a video was posted to the forums, an ArenaNet member of staff decided that they would hack his account and post a little 'farewell' video.

The second specialisation to be revealed was the Dragonhunter, as mentioned above. However, people didn't really take to it as kindly and hyped up as they did for the Chronomancer. In fact, Guild Wars 2's audience took it to the forums to detail how boring and blasé this new spec was. A few people made the comments that "it doesn't really fit the guardian, at all. More like a warrior spec." Now, we know that to keep a hype train up indefinitely until the expansion would be an impossible task since you cannot 100% please everyone.

Whilst writing this blog, they featured my main class, the Necromancer as the next specialisation preview; will it be any good?

Meet the Chronomancer (Mesmer specialisation, shield)
Meet the Dragonhunter (Guardian specialisation, longbow)
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